opnsense.core.ja jp.utf8

JP Translation Status :
Usable, but incomplete...
Fri Apr 1 08:34:06 EDT 2016

All translations strings in one .po file.

Welcome to the Japanese OPNsense Translation project.

The OPNsense project is looking for help translating the OPNsense User Interface into the Japanese language. Simply ask for a login to the Pootle translation server, or, submit Pull Requests directly to OPNsense in GitHub.

日本人は15.xリリースで始まる、currnetly OPNsenseで関数型言語です。
Japanese is currnetly a functional language in OPNsense, starting with the 15.x releases.

Contributions, BUGS, and Help

Discussions regarding this work should happen in the OPNsense Japanese forum!


Contributor Quick-Start

The simplest way to contribute, is to use the OPNsense translslation server, (Pootle).


Git Repo Contributions

OPNsense also welcomes translations directly from the project repo,

$ git clone https://github.com/opnsense/core.git
$ cd core
# vim lang/ja_JP.po

Translate the empty 'msgid' lines, and submit Pull Requests to the OPNSense team!

One warning, keep your commits and work short, and commit lines asap- it would be very sad if someone else was translating the very same lines you were- and time was wasted!