JP Translation Status :
Usable, but incomplete...
Fri Apr 1 08:34:06 EDT 2016
All translations strings in one .po file.
The OPNsense project is looking for help translating the OPNsense User Interface into the Japanese language. Simply ask for a login to the Pootle translation server, or, submit Pull Requests directly to OPNsense in GitHub.
日本人は15.xリリースで始まる、currnetly OPNsenseで関数型言語です。
Japanese is currnetly a functional language in OPNsense, starting with the 15.x releases.
Discussions regarding this work should happen in the OPNsense Japanese forum!
Contributor Quick-StartThe simplest way to contribute, is to use the OPNsense translslation server, (Pootle).
OPNsense also welcomes translations directly from the project repo,
$ git clone
$ cd core
# vim lang/ja_JP.po
Translate the empty 'msgid' lines, and submit Pull Requests to the OPNSense team!
One warning, keep your commits and work short, and commit lines asap- it would be very sad if someone else was translating the very same lines you were- and time was wasted!